Tuesday, April 10, 2012

TMI Tuesday

Love, Hate, and Guilty Secrets. We never mind telling people about things we love or hate, but how about the things we love, but would hate for anyone to find out about?

Well, it’s time to free yourself of that fear!

For each of the categories below, list one thing you love, one that you hate, and then, take a deep breath and tell us something you hate to admit you love.

You’ll feel better for it!

1. Food
I love sushi and just about anything Italian.
I hate guacamole and cheap hot dogs.
My guilty secret is I never eat raw vegetables.

2. Apparel
I love sundresses and really comfy sweat pants.
I hate those really loose maternity style shirts girls are wearing these days.  I call them "tit curtain" shirts because it looks like their tits are hiding behind curtains.
My guilty secret is I have a pair of Ugg boots and I LOVE them!

3. Books
I love a book called "Sally Hemings," and just about anything by Nora Roberts.
I hate the Sex and the City book.  Liked the show but it is a horrible book. 
My guilty secret is I indulge myself by sometimes reading really cheesy and very predictable 'Danielle Steel' type romance novels.

4. Songs
I love a song called "Parabola" by Tool.
I hate the song "Crazy Bitch," and Buckcherry for that matter. 
My guilty secret is I like that new song by Usher.  I can't believe I like an Usher song.

5. Movie
I love Gone with the Wind and Sling Blade.
I hate Pretty Woman.
My guilty secret is I have enjoyed some Pauly Shore movies.

6. TV Show
I love Family Guy, Dexter, and Californication.
I hate Family Matters.  Its the only one that comes to mind, I don't watch many TV shows.
My guilty secret is I love Leave it to Beaver.

7. Celebrity Crush
I love John Stamos.
I hate Rob Schneider.
My guilty secret is I have a crush on Crispin Glover.

8. Music Group
I love Tool.
I hate Nickleback and Seether.
My guilty secret is I love pop.  Michael Jackson, Rihanna, Madonna, Britney Spears......

9. Sports Team
I love ?  (Sorry, I don't follow any sports!)
I hate watching any sport on TV.  Football and golf are especially horrific to watch though.
My guilty secret is I have never been to a pro or college sports game and I never want to!

Sex Position or Sex Act or fetish
I love having great sexual chemistry with M.  There are just too many sex acts I love with M to name just one!
I hate when guys slobber all over your vagina when performing oral sex.  For me, wetter is NOT better.

My guilty secret is I get aroused by the idea of M forcing me to wear my leash and collar in public.

Wait.....I haven't written about the leash and collar yet.  Story for another time.......


  1. Leash and collar...yes please...with pics! :)

  2. 1 - Good hot dogs are great, and raw veggies rock!
    2 - Sun dresses with a cute pair of panties and nothing else.... Perfection
    3 - SITC is all bad in my book
    4 - Parabola - that's some funky weird shit.
    5 - Yes, keep this secret to yourself.
    6 - Peter Griffin, for the win!!
    7 - John is only hunky 'cause he's cute. :-)
    8 - Seether? I'll have to avoid them.
    9 - Hating Golf and Football pretty much covers the spectrum

    No slobber, check
    Leash in Public, check
    Nipple clamps and my autograph for good measure?
